The rapid development of information and communication technology also enables rapid progress of various modern forms of marketing. Example applications of modern forms of marketing on the basis of information and communication technology is the application tools of virtual reality (VR) within development projects, whether it is the construction of residential buildings or retail buildings. Selling of real estate can begin before their realization. The success of the presentation and sale of real estate lies on effective marketing. The clients are often in contact with the development project primarily through its visualization. Therefore this area is constantly and rapidly developing to satisfy customer needs for obtaining as much information about the project as possible. The current trend moves virtual reality as a modern marketing tool closer to the customer. Visualization development from static to dynamic and immersive forms of presentation in virtual reality. These technologies make it possible to enable a client to browse all the premises in an apartment building. He receives information about the apartment layout, size of rooms, the price of the apartment and, of course, on its orientation relative to the cardinal. Virtual reality can simulate the view from the window designs even though the apartment buildings does not yet exist. According to our survey, 94% of potential users would like to use tools of virtual reality in the process of acquisition of immovable property (Budzák, 2016). Therefore, the standard approach to vendor marketing mix, can be significantly upgraded thanks to VR.
The basis of VR is to display the real environment as faithfully as possible in an artificial virtual environment and work with this environment in real time. Virtual reality is actually a shift from simple ( two-dimensional ) human interaction with the machine , to a position where this interaction takes place in three-dimensional environments. These methods tend to be enhanced by the use of special peripherals that provide visual, tactile, auditory and positional interaction. For virtual reality in general , the following characteristics are valid :
• all actions take place in real time , preferably immediately in response to user action , virtual world and the objects placed in it have three-dimensional character , or at least create the impression, • users are allowed to enter the virtual world and move in it by different paths ( walks , flies , jumps, quickly moves to a pre-defined location), • virtual world is not static and therefore the user can manipulate its parts , while virtual bodies run on animation curves , and affect the user and each other.
Virtual reality in construction due to dynamics of the observer and the environment can be divided into four basic categories described below.
SESO – static environment and static observer
Virtual reality in marketing has been used for many years by means of static visualizations of interior and exterior, by which developers and architects present their projects. The group of static visualization is therefore now also its most common form. In a static visualization we are talking about static image rendering (imaging of 3D) models, which cannot be manipulated in real time. The notice of static visualization is thus limited to the image content when it is observed. An example would be rendering of any building. In a static visualization observer can watch a stillrendered images of the object in the environment.
3D visualization of residential project
DESO – Dynamic environment and static observer
In this category we include virtual reality video tours, thus higher form of visualizations, represented by camera motion in a virtual environment, which is not be modified. Camera movement is precisely given and except for the general action (Rew, Play, Pause, Stop, FF) it cannot be redefined in any way. The alternatives are also video presentation GIF picture.
SEDO – Static environment and dynamic observer
This includes the most common panoramic tours of exteriors and interiors. 360 degree panoramic tour is based on the principle where the user can control scanning cameras. The camera can be rotated 360 ° degrees horizontally around the y-axis and 360 ° degrees vertically about the x axis. Two types of visualization grade 360 °. 360 ° image rendering and 360 ° video rendering. In case of 360 ° visualizations rendering images through observation point are defined in one place and the image that the user can watch is static and unchanging. For videos, the user can move the camera on the defined path in a virtual environment but path cannot be controlled. If the user wants to see some place or further details, he simply stop the video and can look around.
Semi-interactive tour of residential project
DEDO – dynamic environments and dynamic observer
Dynamic Virtual Reality is the highest form of virtual reality that lets 3D objects and virtual environments themselves in some way modify and thus obtain more necessary information. With dynamic virtual reality interactive environment allows us to move around the building, pass the building interior, simulate different environmental conditions in real time to adjust the architectural design and many other features that are based on the unlimited possibilities of virtual reality. These functions can therefore be helpful to all participants in the construction, whether it is a developer, architect, designer, contractor or individual user. This categorie is also a very popular by the technology of mixed reality (AR).
All four categories of VR can significantly promote the project level information within its marketing mix in all its parts:
• Product- through a clear understanding a client has a clear idea of the product and the size of the apartment, the apartment layout, the view from the apartment window designs. • Price- VRDEDO applications allow clients to have updated information on the price in respect of a particular apartment. • Distribution road- VR applications are spreadable online which is the most effective form of distribution. • Promotion- visualization and applications VRDEDO are often a key form of promotion of the project.
Fully-interactive virtual tour of residential project
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