VIZUALIZACKY | Getting started - VIZUALIZACKYGetting started
Based on the fact that the majority of development projects begin to sell real estate a year, sometimes even more years before their actual realization, it is first and foremost necessary to process a high quality and representative 3D visualizations of a real estate. Since clients can not realistically see a real estate, 3D visualization must show as closely as possible the look of the future property. Last but not least, the 3D visualizations must capture the client at first sight by their high-quality graphics processing. Let’s not forget that 3D visualization is the first thing the client sees, which can capture or discourage him from further interest. The first and most fundamental mistake of developer projects’ marketing is the underestimation of the quality of 3D visualizations. It is important to realize that 3D visualization is a key marketing tool, since only after its processing it is possible to start presenting the project on the web page, social networks, media, billboards, flyers, etc. Each of these marketing tools will be displayed in 3D visualization. Here we could talk about two groups of 3D visualizations, both exterior and interior.
3D Visualizations of exteriors and interiors
What is it about?
Static visualizations made according architectural documentation, architectural study or drawings. Static visualization are basic marketing tool of every residential / retail project and is the most commonly used until today.
How can you use it?
• Presentation of project on social networks
• Presentation of project on billboards and bigboards
• Presentation of project on website
• Presentation of project in printed media, magazines, advertising flyer,..

Modern and now widely available virtual reality technologies(VIDEO) allow marketing tools for development projects to move to a new level. Technologies such as Oculus Rift or Samsung Gear allow real estate buyers to view a real estate much more intuitively and realistically than just on 3D visualization. They can move around the real estate (not yet realized), perceive the view from each window or balconies and terraces thanks to the photos from drone, perceive the interior lighting and the amount of light in each room thanks to the simulation of the sun in every season and phase of the day and also download applications of development projects from Google Store and Apple Store. A view from the terrace, the sun’s interior behavior and orientation are basic information that clients require from a developer before investing in the real estate (which will actually not exist for several months / years, so the client can not verify this information other way than virtual reality).
Virtual semi-interactive tours
What is it about?
We are talking about 360° panoramic visualization with user can freely observe interior or exterior of project from one observing point. If user want to observe other place he can switch to other scene. Applications works on Windows, Android and iOS and can be uploaded on Google store and Apple store.
How can you use it?
• Presentation of project from web browser on website or social network
• Presentation of project from mobile devices
• Presentation of project on trade shows, opening events, exhibitions,.. • Presentation of project on Virtual Reality devices Samsung Gear VR, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Google Cardboard, Goodge Daydream,..
Virtual fully-interactive tours
What is it about?
Fully interactive form of virtual reality in which user can freely move around whole interior and exterior area of project. User can walk into every apartment, perceive of its proportions, disposition proposal, sun conditions in every season and part of day, view from windows thanks for photos from drone and windows orientation of apartment or family house. Everything works with head mounted display Oculus Rift.
How can you use it?
• Exclusive presentation of project for selling points (Sales places of projects)
• Presentation of project on opening events
• Presentation of project on trade shows
• Presentation of project on head mounted display Oculus Rift, HTC Vive
• Presentation of project in shopping centers
• Presentation of project on entertainment events
Virtual videotours – animations, spots
What is it about?
Virtual videotour of architectural project with wide rage of application in mass media and in various types of digital screens. Texts or spoken words describes details about project to customer.
How can you use it?
• Presentation of project on social networks and websites
• Presentation of project on big screens
• Presentation of project on digital screens in shopping centers
• Presentation of project in TV